Mobile As The 7th Mass Media: All-Encompassing and Superior To Boot

Tomi Ahonen has a fairly fascinating post over at his blog, discussing mobile as the 7th mass media. Where things get a little more interesting is when he talks about how it’s superior to the other mass media, for various reasons, but the one that stands out for me is how personal is can be. “Personal mass media” might sound like something of an oxymoron, but perhaps that’s simply because previous mass media have been rather impersonal. Anyhow, head over and check it out, as it’s well worth a read.

Communities Dominate Brands: Mobile the 7th Mass Media is to internet like TV is to radio:

Mobile as the 7th mass media is as much superior to the internet, as TV is to radio. Today at 2.7 billion mobile phone users, there are three times as many mobile phones as personal computers (and over a quarter of all internet access is already from mobile phones). There are nearly twice as many mobile phones as TV sets. Twice as many people use messaging on a phone (SMS text messaging) as use e-mail on the web. But mobile was first a communication device. It emerged as the 7th mass media only by the year 2000. By far the youngest of the seven mass media, the mobile is also by far the least understood.

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